CASE FILE 28 - Aliens Buzz Bruno

Bruno Brookes, TV personality and radio presenter revealed how he was buzzed by a UFO.

He sayÆs I was driving alone at night down a road with amber street lights. It was a clear evening and I took no notice of the slab of orange light reflected in my windscreen, I assumed it was the reflection of one of the street lights.

Then I turned into a road which didnÆt have these lights and the slab of orange was still there.

I could see this object. It was rectangular, bright yellow and completely stationary and silent. I stood there for a few minutes waiting for something to move but it didnÆt. I climbed back into the car and sped to the studios to do an evening chat show.

When I went on air, I told listeners about it. No sooner had I finished than the airwaves were jammed with callers who said that they had seen it too.

Until then, I had been skeptical of things like that. But maybe there are things in our skies none of us know about.

EMUFORA received a report of his sighting from him on 8/11/91

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